Instructions for Authors | > For Contributors > Instructions for Authors
1. General information
- • All submissions must be original work, not previously posted or published elsewhere.
- • All submissions will undergo peer review by at least 2-3 reviewers.
- • The video article submission consists of 2 or 3 parts: 1) the video file; 2) the abstract/transcript file; and 3) an optional supplemental file containing figures and/or tables that appear in the video.
- • All files must be submitted directly through the JMISST-Video submission site.
- • If accepted for publication, the authors will grant permission to the JMISST to publish and maintain the video article on the JMISST website (
- • All parts of the video article in JMISST will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. All articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
- • The editorial staff will lightly copyedit your abstract/transcript file for spelling or grammar; all video-related content is the responsibility of the authors.
2. Video file
Your video should represent one or more unique technical pearls of interest to spine surgeons and include the following components if relevant:
- • Anesthesia technique
- • Patient positioning (please make every reasonable effort to ensure the privacy and dignity of the patient is protected before and during filming)
- • Introducing surgical instruments
- • Surgical opening technique
- • Dissection to identify existing pathology
- • Treatment of the underlying pathological process
- • Closure technique
- • Video file must be optimized for streaming. Guidelines for this can be found here.
- • Length: Video should be 3–10 minutes.
- • Acceptable formats: MP4, MOV, MPG,MPEG,WMV, AVI, FLV, QT
- • Opening screen
- • Title—Must be an exact match to that given in the text file.
- • Author names—Must be an exact match to what is given on the title page of the abstract/transcript file. This includes the order of the names, the presentation of the names (e.g., with or without middle initials), and the degrees included with each author’s name. We advise that you check with your coauthors to confirm their name and degree(s) before submission.
- • Voice-over audio is required. Avoid background noise when recording your video. Authors must make sure that each word is clearly audible at a mid-volume level. Do not include background music due to potential copyright violation.
- • Text (including abbreviations) in your video should be checked for correct spelling and grammar.
- • References: Include 5–10 references as a static screen for at least 2 seconds at the end of your video. This list should be an exact match to the list provided in your abstract/transcript file. (See 3. Abstract/transcript file—single Word document, References for formatting instructions.)
- • Optional figures/tables: If you intend to include figures (such as a medical illustration) or tables that were previously published or are copyrighted by someone other than the authors, you will need to obtain written permission from the copyright holder. See 4. Optional supplemental file (figures and/or tables), as a single file for instructions regarding permission licenses and figure/table legend credit lines. These legend credit lines should appear in the video and supplemental file (if applicable).
- • File size limit: 1GB
A less than 1GB file is acceptable for direct uploading on the site.
If the file size exceeds 1GB, please send your files to
3. Abstract/transcript file—single Word document
See the Word file template (Manuscript Template JMISST-video.docx), available for download from the For Authors page on the submission site.
Title page
- • Submission statement: Provide a statement confirming your abstract and video are original and have not been submitted elsewhere in part or in whole.
- • Disclosure statement: For each author, include possible conflicts of interest related to the video article or its subject matter. Funding information and sources of support should also be provided, if applicable.
- • Patient informed consent statement: If your study required informed consent, state that it was obtained. IRB numbers should be included if applicable. If informed consent was not required, state “Not applicable.”
- • Title must be an exact match to that given in the video file opening screen.
- • Author names must be listed in the same order as presented in the video file; each author’s name should be followed by his or her highest academic degree(s). The presentation of the names (e.g., with or without middle initials) and the degrees included with each author’s name should also match. We advise that you confirm each author’s name and degree(s) in advance of submission.
- • Hospital/departmental affiliation(s) must be listed and should include city, state/province, and country. Use superscripted numbers to identify which authors belong to which institutions.
- • The corresponding author must be designated, with current contact information and email address.
- • Abstract, not to exceed 200 words in length. Do not include reference citations in this section.
- • 3–5 keywords.
Written transcript with highlighted time points
The written transcript should match the oral narrative in the video.
- • Include time points that are highlighted in your video (e.g., 1:10 Demonstration of Initial Incision).
- • Include one digit before the colon and two digits after the colon.
- • Include the start of the highlighted time point, rather than the entire time range.
- • Include a space (not a tab) after the time point and before the text description.
- • It is not necessary to include time points with every sentence.
- • Cite references as superscript numbers within the transcript in the order used in the video. The superscript numbers should not be in parentheses or brackets. See References below for format instructions.
- • If you have included figures and/or tables, cite them in parentheses within the text.
- • Disclaimer: The abstract/transcript file will be lightly copyedited. Ensure that this file accurately represents the audio and contains no spelling or grammar errors. If transcription software is used, double-check the accuracy of the final transcription against the video narration
- • Authors should refer to “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” ( A reference list consisting of 5–10 references is required.
- • The reference list must be numbered and listed both at the end of the transcript and on the closing screen of the video.
- • Reference citations must be consecutively cited in the transcript portion (not the abstract) with superscript Arabic numerals, without parentheses or brackets.
- • When a work has 6 or less authors, cite the names of all authors. When a work has over 6 authors, cite the first 6 authors’ name followed by “et al.”
- • Important: The numbered reference list in the abstract/transcript file and that in the video file must be identical.
4. Optional supplemental file (figures and/or tables), as a single file
- • Figures and/or tables that appear in your video may be saved as a single file and uploaded as a supplemental file. Acceptable formats are PDF, TIFF, JPEG, Microsoft Word, and Excel.
- • Figure/table legends and labels (i.e., Figure 1, Table 2, etc.) should be included in the actual figure/table file with bold font, rather than in a separate supplemental file.
- • Disclaimer: Figures, tables, and their labels and legends will not be edited. Ensure that they are correctly identified with no spelling or grammar errors.
- • Permissions: If a figure or table is copyrighted by someone other than the authors, regardless of whether it has been published before, you must first obtain written permission from the lawful copyright holder(s) to include these items in your video; it not necessary to load the actual permission to the submission site.
- • You also must acknowledge the copyright holder in the accompanying figure/table legend and the video file. Check with copyright holders as to what credit line they prefer. Examples:
- • “© 2020 [Name of Copyright Owner]. Used with permission.”
- • “Reprinted with permission from [Names of Authors]. [Title of Article]. [Name of Journal] [Year of Publication];[Vol]:[Page Numbers]. © [Name of Copyright Owner].”
If the figure/table was previously published, the legend should cite the original work in which the figure/table was published.
Note: If a small video clip copyrighted by someone other than the authors has been included in your video file, you must also follow these permission instructions. Credit the copyright holder in a legend accompanying the video clip within the video file.
5. Forms
Authors will retain copyright to their video articles; therefore, the Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society (KOMISS) requires that you provide these two forms prior to acceptance:
- • Publication Agreement between authors and KOMISS the right to publish the video article (video, abstract/transcript, and optional supplemental file). This e- form must be signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors. A link to this form will be emailed to the corresponding author.
Forms that should be collected by the corresponding author and kept on file, should a question arise at a later date (it is not necessary to upload these forms):
- • Patient consent form(s) signed by all patients and other persons displayed or mentioned in your video, text, or supplemental file.
- • This form must make it clear to the patient/participant that the video article will appear on the Internet and may be seen by the general public. The form must be signed by the patient/participant or legal guardian to be valid.
- • Permission forms to include material copyrighted by others:
- • Authors must obtain permission to include material in their video article submission that has been copyrighted by others (such as tables, figures, or short video clips), regardless of whether the material was published previously. This permission may take the form of a simple email or a full permission license with terms and conditions. The permission must give you, the Author(s), a nonexclusive worldwide license to reproduce the work. For your protection, you should request both electronic and print rights so that text and supplemental files may be printed and distributed. Contact the copyright holder directly to obtain a permission license or letter granting you these rights.
- • If figures, tables, or short video clips in your submission were previously published, consult the permission license to see if there is a preferred manner of crediting the copyright holder and the original source in the legend. Otherwise, see 4. Optional supplemental file (figures and/or tables), as a single file for instructions regarding legend credit lines).
- • Refrain from including cartoon-type graphics or materials from the internet to enhance your video.
6. Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor commenting on JMISST: Video articles published within the last 2 calendar years will be considered for publication. Letters should be submitted as a Word document that includes a properly formatted title page. The reference section should be formatted according to the JMISST reference style described above and include the published article. Limits for letters are word count of 500 words; 1 optional supplemental file; and 1 video (acceptable formats are MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, and FLV; maximum video length is 5 minutes).
7. Contact information
For questions regarding the submission of files or peer review, please contact Peer Review).
For questions post-acceptance or post-publication, please contact JMISST secretary (