1. Mandatory components of a manuscript
1) Formats and contents of the manuscripts are checked by corresponding author.
2) All manuscripts should be written in English. Manuscripts may be no longer than 6,000 English words for original articles, 3,000 English words for case reports.
3) Manuscripts should be prepared in the following orders.
a) Original article: external title page, internal title page, abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, table and figure legends.
b) Case report: external title page, internal title page, abstract, key words, introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion, references, table, and figure legends.
4) Proofreading in English is done prior to subscription of manuscript.
2. External title page
1) The external title page should be a separate file, and must contain names and affiliations of all authors and contact information of the corresponding author.
3. Internal title page
1) Only the English title of the manuscript is listed. Any information on the names and affiliations of the authors is not shown on the internal title page.
4. Abstract
1) Abstract should have no longer than 250 words for original articles and 200 words for case reports.
2) Abstract includes Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion in clinical or laboratory research.
3) The selection of Key Words is based on MeSH.
5. Manuscript
1) Text is written in 11 point fonts with double line spacing.
2) Typeface should be Times/Times New Roman or similar serif typeface.
3) Figures and tables are cited in numerical order in the order they are mentioned in the text.
6. References
1) All references should be in alphabetical order according to first author’s last name.
2) The names of all authors are cited when a work has six or less authors. The first six authors’ name followed by “et al.” is cited when a work has over six authors.
3) References are marked in the form of superscript and parenthesis.
7. Tables, Figures and Illustrations
1) Tables and figures are prepared in separate files.
2) Figures are submitted individually not incorporated into one file.
3) Figures and illustrations are saved in JPG or TIF file format and have a resolution of 300 DPI or more.
4) Do not include vertical lines in table, and refer to the table formats in formal papers in JMISST®.
8. Conflict of Interest
1) All authors signed on the Copyright Release and Author Agreement form and the form is submitted with the manuscript.
2) All authors signed on the Conflict of Interest, Disclosure form to verify that the purpose of the research is not related to personal interests and the form is submitted with the manuscript.